Mercury Messing with you?

So don’t you just love it when good ole Mercury is in retrograde?  What the Hell was God thinking with that little number?  I guess it’s the way to have a good laugh when bored with the world.

It sure screws with MY head…came home all on fire from my Suzanne Evans Coaching intensive, then was slammed down a spiral of dwindling self-confidence, energy, rising anxiety, and total shutdown.

Went to my Powerful Women’s Mastermind group, faced and tapped out some fear of success, then came home and took amazing up – leveling moves in my business that are really going to push me to another level due to commitments and deadlines.

I’ll be using my tools like crazy to get myself organized, efficient, and focused now.  I just leaped off a cliff and now it’s time to step up my game in a big way!  So excited.

If your interested in learning more about my work, contact me today at 207-319-5986 or email me at, and feel free to visit my website to sign up for my free meditation and bi-weekly newsletter.

Start the journey from Anxious to Awesome by scheduling your FR*EE 30 minute strategy session

About Bambi Thompson

Bambi Thompson, OTR/L is an Anxiety Transformation and Breakthrough Specialist who trains your brain to reroute stress,limiting beliefs, and insecurity to a new path of clarity, calm, and confidence—ultimately unleashing your success. Bambi's approach to empowered transformation brings the neuroscience to the metaphysical, and in the most straightforward English imaginable—your brain will be rewired but your head won't spin. Bambi is an Occupational Therapist, an Intuitive and Energy Healer, and a Panic Disorder survivor who's toolbox pulls from neuroscience, spirituality, energy medicine techniques, and her deeply empathetic nature. Her unique and powerfully successful approach involves teaching you the tools to re-program yourself for inner peace, goal achievement, and success. The results? Profound change in all aspects of your life!
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